Here are the questions that is useful for you to look at before we meet. It will help you focus on what you would like from your garden and gives me a clearer idea of what your needs are.
There is a pdf version of my Garden Design Questionnaire.
It would be useful if you could e-mail or post it to me before we meet – but if not, then filling it in so that we can look at it together is very helpful.
Please also include your contact details on your email.
Telephone numbers
- How much time do you have for maintenance of the garden and do you have any help in the garden?
- Do you sit in the garden and if so, do you prefer to sit in the sun, shade or both, and what size of sitting area do you want?
- Are there children who play in the garden?
- Do you have pets that would be in the garden?
- What are the existing features of the garden that are enjoyed, and which features would you particularly like to retain?
- What new features would you like to include?
- Do you require compost bins, washing line, shed, greenhouse, summerhouse, children’s play area (slide etc), or for the garden to be pushchair/wheelchair friendly?
- Do you want to include herbs, vegetables or fruit?
- Do you want lawns?
- Which plant types would you like (trees/shrubs/perennials/wild flowers), and are there any plants that you dislike?
- Which colours do you like and are there any that you dislike?
- Do you want trellis or a pergola?
- Do you want a pond or water feature?
- Do you want outside taps or water butts?
- Are there any existing views outside the garden which are important to you or that you want to hide, and do you need any barriers from the wind?
- Which areas are sunny, shady, windy, sheltered, at which parts of the day and for how long?
- Do you suffer from hay fever or asthma, are you allergic to any plants or do you suffer from any disability that would affect your use or enjoyment of the garden?
- Any preferred surfaces (gravel etc), raised beds or path surfaces?
- Any other relevant information – ie likes, dislikes, information about the site
- Budget?
- How did you hear of Anna McArthur Garden Design?